Maddie had a date yesterday - she and I met up with Tammy and Chace (who is 2 months older than her) and had lunch and went shopping. Chace and Maddie had such a great time. Here is a photo of their date.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Happy 3 Months!
Maddie and Katie turned 3 months old yesterday! Boy is time flying. We went for their 3 month check up today and Maddie is weighing in at 10 lbs. 12.5 oz and Katie is at 9 lbs 13 oz. WOW! They sure are growing - still in newborn clothes but they were promoted to size 1 diapers.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Happy Wednesday!
What a great day for Maddie and Katie today! Toby did a dry run and dropped them at Grandma and Grandpa Pickard's house today to test out the traffic since they start their full time babysitting next week - Toby realized that he needs to leave A LOT earlier =). While they were there Grandma and Grandpa strolled them around the complex in their new red strollers. They had so much fun! I picked up the girls from their house and met Mari and Miya for lunch and shopping at Ala Moana - we had a blast! All 3 girls did great and we are already turning them into little shoppers =) Miya is sooooo cute and so grown up with her first tooth popping out. Although Maddie and Katie slept most of the day, it was fun to see them interact briefly at the Mai Tai bar, where we met Mari's dad, Uncle Tom, for a happy hour drink.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Oh Happy Days
Maddie and Katie are doing so great - they are learning to put their hand (Katie) and thumb (Maddie) in their mouths and are starting to grab things (not so fun when it's mommy's hair) - we are so in awe of them every day. Here are some new photos to enjoy.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A Happy Weekend
On Friday I took the girls to the Royal Hawaiian (for the third time this week) and hung out with Uncle Chris before I had a meeting with Louise, our favorite catering manager. After that, the girls and I joined Aunty Tammy and Chace for lunch at the Cheesecake Factory - YUM! On Saturday the girls hung out at Grandma and Grandpa Pickard's house while Toby and I went to a basketball game at Chaminade. On Sunday I took the girls shopping at Ala Moana with Aunty Heather - we had so much fun!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Two of a Kind
I'm enjoying my last 6 days at home before I go back to work on February 1. Here are some new photos:
Monday, January 18, 2010
A Night on the Town
Maddie and Katie got all dressed up for a night at Ocean House at the Outrigger Reef Hotel. We had dinner with my dear friends Will and Chris and had a wonderful time. Thanks to Aunty Heather for the adorable halter dresses!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Back to California
Aunty Aly and Aunty Lauren came to visit one last time before they head back to LA and SF for college. Thanks for visiting, minis! See you in the summer!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Back to work for Toby
Toby went back to work on Monday after a 3 week long winter break - we miss him at home and look forward to 4:00 pm when he gets back from work. We had a great winter with lots of visitors - Aunty Jenn (Maile's cousin) was here for 2 weeks and really helped with the girls - she spent a lot of time at the house and out shopping with Maile and the twins. Jenn helped feed, carry, entertain and push the stroller - we miss you! Aunty Darcy and Uncle Alex were here too and we spent a lot of time with them - we miss you guys!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Lazy Weekend
Maddie and Katie woke up around 9am this morning after sleeping for 6.5 hours - YAY! We had to put them in their bumbos for more pictures. The instructions say that your child should sit in the bumbo when he/she can hold up his/her head on their own. See Katie's picture for why this safety measure is in place...I think she is still a bit too small.
Friday, January 8, 2010
January so far...
It has been a busy month and it is only the 8th! Time is flying. The girls turned 10 weeks old this past Wednesday and are growing so fast...I go back to work on February 1st and mom and Jerry will become full time babysitters. WOW! Here are some pictures from this month for you to enjoy.

We used the Ergo Baby for the first time (thanks Aunty Patsy!) here I am with Maddie in the carrier and Katie in the stroller - Toby took the picture and pushed the shopping cart at Babies R Us.
Katie's turn in the carrier and Maddie in the stroller - we just finished shopping at Target
Katie relaxing in her swing
Maddie and Katie in matching pjs thanks to Aunty Sandy Tolentino =0)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy New Year!
Happy 2010! We spent New Year's eve with my family until Katie had a crying spell. After that, we went home, calmed her down and then Maddie decided to have a turn. When the clock struck midnight, Maddie was wide awake not wanting to miss a thing while Katie was fast asleep in her swing. We surely rung in the new year with some noise....and champagne.
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch on New Year's day with Rod and family at our favorite Chinese restaurant, Pah Ke. After that, we went with Toby's mom to the temple to receive our new year blessing.
We wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010!
January 1, 2010 - Mommy with Katie and Daddy with Maddie at the temple (thanks to Uncle Derek and Aunty Joce for the cute outfits and Aunty Debbie for the True Religion leggings!)
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch on New Year's day with Rod and family at our favorite Chinese restaurant, Pah Ke. After that, we went with Toby's mom to the temple to receive our new year blessing.
We wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010!
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