Thank you so much to Phil and Janet Lisle for coming over, helping with the babies, taking us to dinner, and doing this wonderful photo shoot! WOW! We love the pictures! It was great to see you guys and we hope to visit you in California one day! Here are some of our favorites:
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Happy 5 Months!!!
Maddie and Katie turned 5 months old today! We spent the morning at Kahala Mall with the Hamada family and all took Easter Bunny photos together - what fun! We can't believe how fast they are growing!
Super Saturday
We had a great day today - a doctor appointment, Babies R Us (where we bought an exer-saucer! to come), and Tai Gung's Birthday party....there are lots of posts from today so make sure you check them all out!
Our first friend, Miya, came over today. We love her! Maddie wanted to hold Miya's hand so badly...she also wanted to yank her cute pigtails...poor Miya!
This week Katie and Maddie both learned how to turn from their back to their tummies. Maddie also found her feet! She loves to hold them and play with them.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Bring on the food
Today we went to the doctor for Maddie and Katie's 5 month check up. Maddie is 13 lbs. 5 oz and is in the 25th percentile. Katie is 12 lbs. 9 oz and is in the 5th percentile. They are about 1/2 and inch different in height with Maddie being taller. Katie seems to look the same size because their heads are the same size. Katie is smaller, but she is very strong---Dr. said that she will probably be sitting up by herself soon! We got the go ahead to start baby food tonight so we will start with a vegetable (probably squash or sweet potatoes) and try out a new one every 5 days or so. I bought the Beaba ( so I can make my own organic baby food. Mari will be coming over today to give me lessons since she uses it with Miya. We will post photos later on after the feeding!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Rice Cereal and naps
A fun weekend indeed! Inspired by Pam, I decided to do the rice cereal thing daily. Maddie tried rice cereal for the first time and Katie tried it for the second time - it was a success! They ate a decent amount and spit out some, but they seemed to enjoy it. We are looking forward to seeing their doctor on Saturday for their 5 month check up and learning about baby food - FUN!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Picnic at Ala Moana Beach
Today we went on a picnic with some friends at Ala Moana beach. When we got there, we saw how sunny it was so we ran over to Sears and purchased this cabana style tent (thanks to Pam and Matt for the idea!) A bit of a pain to set up (Toby broke one of the pieces) it did a great job. It shielded us from the sun and the wind and gave the girls a nice place to play and sleep. We are excited to picnic again!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
New Stroller!!!
After 3 months of waiting I got the call. Baby Emporium had received the new Baby Jogger City Select stroller ( . It comes in 3 colors and Baby Emporium had ordered 24 of each color...they only got 5 of each. I rushed down there after work thinking I would be the first person there (they called me at 4pm and I was there by 4:20pm) and someone had beat me. I managed to score an onyx one! YAY! They still didn't receive their shipment of the second seats yet, but I prepaid and will have one reserved when it comes in (hopefully in the next 3 weeks.) The beauty of this stroller is that it is a single stroller but it has an additional seat that you can purchase that converts it very easily into a double. The seats can be configured into 16 different positions including having both babies face the mom, both face the outside world, have them face each other, or have one face mom and one face outwards. It is so easy to use and has been sold out online and in stores for months. I am SO excited that I got one today. Here are some photos of us trying it out.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Toby's Birthday Dinner
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Happy Girls Day!
Happy Girls Day!!! Today Maddie and Katie went to the doctor for their 4 month checkup. We were supposed to go on Saturday but the Tsunami Warning closed down everything around here. Katie is weighing in at 11.5 lbs and Maddie at 12.5 lbs. They are growing great but are still a bit small for their age. Doctor was impressed with how strong they are. We were given the ok to start rice cereal at their last feeding of the day (8pm) as they seem to be hungry. We'll post pictures once we try that. We go back on the 27th for their 5 month checkup where we will learn how to start baby food! FUN and messiness lies ahead of us.
The girls got their first girls day dolls from Grandma Joyce and Aunty Sandy - THANK YOU! They didn't have a kimono so they are modeling their Japanese vests which is for a 12 month baby, but they still looked cute.
Katie and Maddie with the Hello Kitty band aids from their shots today. Mommy got cortizone shots too for her wrists so we were all bandaged up. Thanks to Kate, Josh and Cole for the cute onesies!
The girls got their first girls day dolls from Grandma Joyce and Aunty Sandy - THANK YOU! They didn't have a kimono so they are modeling their Japanese vests which is for a 12 month baby, but they still looked cute.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Happy Birthday, Daddy!
Toby turned 32 today and we celebrated with a cake! Too bad Maddie and Katie are too little to eat any!
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