It has been very busy (as I find myself often writing) so here is yet another blog entry with tons of pictures, many of which are a few weeks old. I am trying to go back to the weekly posting, but as the girls are getting older and more active, it is hard to find a quiet time to write, post and upload photos. I'm working on it though. Maddie and Katie are almost 16 months old and have really grown. Maddie is 21 lbs and Katie is 19 lbs. They have lots of teeth including molars, are running, climbing and learning to color. They actually play together now and enjoy having playdates with their friends. We try to keep them busy and take them to see new things. They love to watch birds and cats and enjoy hugging Lucy. Enjoy the photos!

Maddie hard at work drawing - thanks to Sean for the cool disappearing water pen and pad!

Maddie LOVES grandpa. Here is is snuggling next to him on the couch while she has her milk.

This is Katie's friend - the orange thing. It is part of a toy and she won't sleep or go to grandma's house without it.

Katie and Maddie can look at fish all day long - here we are at Sea Life Park

Maddie waving to the turtles at Sea Life Park

Family photo

Maddie grabbing some ice at the hot punahou carnival---check out those long lashes!

Uncle Gabe carried Maddie all around the carnival - she loves him!

Katie and Jamie on the merry-go-round. This was Katie's second time as she refused to get off.

Me and Katie on her first ride. She loved it and I had to pry her off the horse.

In line for the merry-go-round

The girls love to play under the bar stools

Maddie posing on valentine's day

Meeting Evan for the first time

Jamie and Katie at the carnival

Maddie in Tai Po's cart
Publish Post
Maddie for dinner! Playing in Tai Po's big pot