We had our first family vacation and had a blast! We went to Seattle and Vancouver and got to see lots of friends and family. Jamie and Erin came with us to help with the girls and they were wonderful. Can't wait to our next trip!
Maddie has now learned to say:
I love you
Katie is becoming more adventurous and daring...she is a quick one!

On the plane ready to go to Seattle!

Katie loved buckling and unbucklng the seatbelt. Thank you Hawaiian Air for being empty so we got 2 free seats for the girls!

Maddie fast asleep on the plane

Katie fast asleep on the plane

Kai Lan on the ipad - the BEST entertainment

Katie was all sweaty when she woke up so Jamie gave her a mohawk.

loving the big bean bag at Uncle Chris and Uncle Will's house

Katie and Rolex

Champagne tasting at Chateau Ste. Michele with Chris

Maddie's first haircut!

Loving the big dogs at Cindy & Geoff's house

Cindy and all the new haircuts!

Pike's Place Market

The peonies were gorgeous. I wanted them all.

Katie was very serious at the Crab Pot

Maddie enjoyed her milk

Uh oh...

Playing with Dylan at Bellevue Square

BBQ with Heidi and Trent

Trent loved saying "Aunty"

All bundled up for some shopping in the cold and rain.

First boat ride to granville island

Drinks with Darcy

Joe, me and Ria

The girls were legal in Canada....

Maddie decided to crash our bed...

Vancouver Aquarium

i love the jellyfish

Katie and me ready for the beluga show

top row (little Gerry, Uncle Gerry, Kathy, Erin)
bottom row (Joe, Ria, Gary)

Maddie LOVED that Uncle Gary fed her ice cream

Maddie watching the beluga whales

Katie's turn

playground time with Uncle Gerry


Katie hitched a ride from Uncle Gary

Maile, Jenn, Darcy, Karen ready for the New Kids on the Block concert - 4th row!

Matthew Morrison (Mr. Shue) from Glee was the opening act. We love him.

Jordan totally was winking at us.



Playtime with my old friend, Kim (from florida days!) and her beautiful family. We haven't seen each other in 20 years!

Mia and Katie

Mia, Katie, Liana

Katie didn't want to leave

Maddie was pooped from shopping

Katie enjoyed turning the lights on and off

They are so cute when they sleep like this

Just like in the womb. Katie didn't even flinch

Honolulu Bound!