WOW! What a weekend. On Saturday, Heather threw me a beautiful baby shower at my favorite Chinese restaurant, Pah Ke, in Kaneohe. It was a nice afternoon with friends, family and delicious food. The babies and I received such lovely gifts...I am so thankful for everything. When I got home and brought all the new items to the nursery, I got a bit overwhelmed. I needed to organize and I wanted to do it immediately. First thing Sunday morning, I headed to Target and purchased 8 baskets for the closet and 4 baskets for underneath the changing table. I also picked up some baby hangers and a couple of other necessities. Then, I picked up Tammy and we headed to the Waikele outlets to shop at Carter's. They had a huge sale and I picked up halloween onesies and matching hats for the girls. They'll be about a week old when halloween comes so they needed a little outfit. They are so cute and I can't wait to see them dressed in these little onesies. On my way home, I talked to my mom who volunteered to come over and help me sort through all the clothes I bought, was given at the shower, and hand me downs from Tammy. We organized the closet by size, hung up the little dresses, packed the bigger clothes in storage boxes and started to organize the shelves under the changing table. WHEW! We worked for over an hour and got A LOT done - THANKS MOM! We are dogsitting Lucy's boyfriend, Stitch, and he wanted to help so he sat in one of the baskets---too cute! I'm excited that we started the organization of the nursery...we still need to pick up the cribs and assemble them...LOTS more to do!
I also wanted to say a quick "aloha" to my Aunt Carolyn, who I hear faithfully reads my blog all the way from Canada - hello! Toby and I really would like to bring the girls up to Canada to see my family once they are old enough to travel.

The left side of the closet - there are 2 rows to hang clothes and 2 shelves for shoes, etc. The bottom is clothes packed in clear containers for the older age groups (12 months+)

The changing table has baskets for diapers, changing supplies, powders, lotions, bath supplies and feeding supplies.

Little Stitch in a pink basket
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