Saturday, January 29, 2011

A crazy month

January has flown by....I cannot believe how fast time is flying. This is what this month has looked like for us:

Jan 6 - Baby Thomas was born to our dear friends Mari and Tim and big sister Miya
Jan 10 - Baby Alyson was born to our dear friends Wil and Virginia and big brother Stitch the dog
Jan 20 - Baby Evan was born to our dear friends Heather and Brian

We had friends in town, I went on my first trip away from the girls for a work conference to Chicago for 5 days, it's Chinese New Year this week, and the girls turned 15 months old yesterday. Whew.

At Maddie and Katie's 15 month appointment today, Katie weighed in at 19 lbs and is in the 4th percentile for weight and 13th percentile for height. Maddie weighed in at 21 lbs and is in the 22nd percentile for weight and 15th percentile for height. This is the first time that the girls have been more than 1 lb. apart in weight. Looks like they will be on the petite side, which is fine. Dr. said that they are doing great and are ready for potty training! Uh oh...

Grandpa reading to Maddie - see the title of the book?

Me with Baby Aly, just hours old...

Uncle Chris and Uncle Will came from Seattle. Here are the girls playing at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel with Uncle Chris - can't wait to see you guys in Seattle this summer!

Darcy and Jenn flew to Chicago to spend a couple of nights with me there. Here is me and Darcy ice skating at Millenium Park - it was cold and snowing and soooo beautiful.

Jenn and I at the bean statue

We went to the Oprah Store and saw Harpo Studios. This photo is of Jenn and me outside the store.

We did facetime every night while I was gone.

Aunty Jenn joined in too!

Katie loved facetime and even kissed the phone. So cute!

Jenn and me in Chicago

Jenn, me and Darcy at a rooftop bar sitting outside by the fire pit while it was snowing. This lasted about 10 minutes.

Sisters being sweet

15 month checkup today. The first time the girls got to stand up and be measured like the big kids. They also got to stand on the scale too - wow! Here is Maddie helping the nurse measure her height.

Katie got her temperature taken by mouth for the first time! Wow!

2 shots later, here is Katie wearing a sticker that says "I was a good patient today"

Maddie was good too!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fun Playdate

Today we had some of our high school classmates and their babies over - what a fun time! We had seven little ones in the house ranging from 4 1/2 months to 14 1/2 months - we had a blast and the babies did too. My two are currently napping after an exciting afternoon. Here are some photos.

Brendan enjoying the chair that he bought Maddie for her birthday. He made 6 months old today!

Kaile in only a few weeks older than Maddie and Katie - here she is with Maddie - they traded drinks - they both had water, but I guess it is more fun to drink someone elses, huh?

Ryder was the youngest one here at 4 1/2 months and he really enjoyed the Rody!

Brendan enjoyed it too - he really likes biting the ears

We got a group shot! With everyone looking! WOO HOO!
Top Row = Maddie (14 months), Katie (14 months), Brendan (6 months)
Bottom Row = Dylan (8 1/2 months), Ryce (8 1/2 months), Ryder (4 1/2 months), Kailee (14 1/2 months)
Kailee was so nice and shared her water with Katie

Katie and her boyfried, Dylan. All the girls were jealous of his beautiful hair and kept petting him. It was so cute. Dylan's daddy tells everyone that Katie is is girlfriend --- he even gave her a kiss goodbye. Can't wait to see Dylan again in Seattle this summer!

Ryce and Dylan were born on the same day, 1 hour apart! How fun!

Aunty Debbie can handle 3! Maybe she will let Maddie and Katie sleep over one day....

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's About Time...

We have been so busy with the holidays, have had many guests in town visiting, and are still trying to rearrange our home for the girls. Lots going on and my apologies for this being so late. Maddie can now say "hi" and Katie can say "ba" which means ball. They both say "mum mum" and can wave and blow kisses. They are getting to be so much fun. Enjoy the photos and Happy New Year! Oh --- and big congrats to our dear friends Mari and Tim and little Miya on their newest addition, Thomas, born at almost 10 lbs and 21 inches long on Jan 6th in Hong Kong.

5 generations

Maddie and the orthopedic's office - the table is a fire truck and the drawers opened to reveal toys! how fun!

Katie sleeping through the new year's eve festivities

Maddie did the same...

Maddie loves her new tigger hat - thanks aunty cynna and uncle billy!

Katie all dressed up for Christmas eve!

Maddie in her prerrt Christmas dress

We enjoyed Alan Wong's for Christmas Eve dinner with my mom, Heather and Brian. Here is Katie enjoying Aunty Heather's short ribs - yum!

Katie and Maddie finally got to meet Brendan - Aunty Debbie's almost-6 month old boy. So cute!

Tai Gung and Katie on Christmas night

Maddie and Katie got to spend time with Dylan who is visiting from Seattle - he is 8 months old and has such beautiful hair!

Katie showing off her sassy halter dress

Maddie and Lucy

Katie and Lucy

Merry Christmas Eve!

Christmas morning
Maddie and Aunty Donna



Trying to get a photo with Dylan and the girls - it was hard! They all kept moving!