Today we had some of our high school classmates and their babies over - what a fun time! We had seven little ones in the house ranging from 4 1/2 months to 14 1/2 months - we had a blast and the babies did too. My two are currently napping after an exciting afternoon. Here are some photos.

Brendan enjoying the chair that he bought Maddie for her birthday. He made 6 months old today!

Kaile in only a few weeks older than Maddie and Katie - here she is with Maddie - they traded drinks - they both had water, but I guess it is more fun to drink someone elses, huh?

Ryder was the youngest one here at 4 1/2 months and he really enjoyed the Rody!

Brendan enjoyed it too - he really likes biting the ears

We got a group shot! With everyone looking! WOO HOO!
Top Row = Maddie (14 months), Katie (14 months), Brendan (6 months)
Bottom Row = Dylan (8 1/2 months), Ryce (8 1/2 months), Ryder (4 1/2 months), Kailee (14 1/2 months)

Kailee was so nice and shared her water with Katie

Katie and her boyfried, Dylan. All the girls were jealous of his beautiful hair and kept petting him. It was so cute. Dylan's daddy tells everyone that Katie is is girlfriend --- he even gave her a kiss goodbye. Can't wait to see Dylan again in Seattle this summer!

Ryce and Dylan were born on the same day, 1 hour apart! How fun!

Aunty Debbie can handle 3! Maybe she will let Maddie and Katie sleep over one day....
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