Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Twins are growing!

We went for our monthly 3D Ultrasound today and all is well with the girls. Each baby is about 1 lb. right now, which is right on track. Dr. said everything looks perfect and he will see us back in 5 weeks. It is so exciting to see the little ones moving around. Today they had their heads together, which is a big improvement from the last ultrasound where Baby A's butt was in Baby B's face. There was lots of kicking going on today....Baby A is sitting right on my bladder and likes to play kickball with it. Baby B is on the left side and kicks and punches a lot too. Enjoy the photos! The top photo is of Baby B and the bottom photo is of Baby A.

This is Baby "B" who is on my left side. Here is a photo of her face and little arms.

This is Baby "A" who is in the middle, closer to my cervix. Here is her little face, body and arms.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The closet---AFTER

The closet has been completed! After only 45 minutes of work, Organized Living had everything installed and cleaned up. Thanks to my mom for hanging out at the house while this was being done. I can't wait to pick up some cute baskets for the shelves on the right side so I can start organizing things!

We went to our daily Tuesday appointment with our doctor. While he was listening to the heartbeats, Baby B kicked him! That was so cute! I guess she was a little mad that he was disturbing her sleep.

Tomorrow we are off for a 3D/4D ultrasound---those are our favorites because we can see so many details including their faces, fingers & toes, heartbeats, blood flowing, and more. They even give us a DVD to take home so we can watch them moving. I'll make sure to post some photos tomorrow!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The closet---BEFORE

Tomorrow the closet system in the nursery gets installed. Here is a "before" shot of the closet. Note the new paint! Thanks to Lance for painting the room in one day. We can't wait to get the closet system installed so we can start setting up the room and putting things away. Stay tuned for the "after" photo!

Toby the Builder

On Sunday, Toby built the first piece of furniture for the nursery. Disclaimer = it came in a box and he had to assemble it, he did not build it from scratch. He did a great job and was finished in 30 minutes. The changing table is perfect! Mom and Jerry - thank you for the wonderful and very practical gift!

His next building job is to assemble the two cribs---one will go in our room and 1 inthe nursery. Once the babies reach 3 months old, Toby will have to disassemble the one in our room and rebuild in it the nursery. Thanks Rod, Mom, Aunty Sandy and Grandma for the cribs! They match the changing table perfectly.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Work on the nursery BEGINS!

Today kicked off the beginning of the nursery. Last night, Toby worked hard to move out what we had stored in there. He also had to rip out the closet pole, shelf, and side wood panels. We are having the nursery painted to a soft white today and tomorrow. As you can see from the "before" photos, it was a Tiffany Blue. On Tuesday the closet system will be installed. Leia wanted to check out the room one last time before the transformation, so you can see her in one of the photos. I'll make sure to post photos as the transformation continues!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Babies on the Way

We are getting ready for the twin girls to arrive in late October. This Saturday we are having the nursery painted and the custom closet installers come on Tuesday. There is a lot that we need to prepare for, but it is all so much fun. We feel very blessed to have the opportunity to bring two little miracles into the world. Pictures of the nursery will be posted as soon as we get things done.

Every Tuesday we get to hear the girls' heartbeats. Today our doctor said that they are very strong and the girls are doing great. It's such an amazing sound to hear. I finally started feeling them move around inside me last week. Toby was able to feel them kick too - what an amazing thing to witness.

We're Back!

We are finally back online---it took awhile to figure out how to set this blog up, but now we are back and promise to try to keep up with the posts.