Sunday, August 29, 2010

sneak peek

my friend wil did some photos for us - here is a sneak peek!

Happy 10 Months!

Happy 10 months to Maddie and Katie! We had such a fun and eventful weekend. The girls are both getting in LOTS of teeth - they should have a fill smile soon. Katie likes to clap her hands and will do so when told to "clap clap". Maddie is still smiling and waving at anyone who looks at her. They have both started standing without holding on to anything and Katie took one step this week while we were at my grandma's house. Soon enough they will be walking! See below for our adventures.

10 month old photo - katie on the left and maddie on the right

katie weighing in on the scale at the doctor's office. she is now 17 lbs and only an 1/8 of an inch shorter than maddie. katie is in the 10th percentile for her age group.

here's maddie verifying that the scale is correct. she is weighing in at 18 lbs 4 oz and is in the 15th - 20th percentile of her age group. no shots at this visit and we don't have to go back until they turn one!

We have a small space between the couch and the chair - lucy and leia use this space to get in and out of the fenced in play area (aka the living room). maddie likes to copy the dogs and tries to get through the space -she has actually made it a few times and we have found her behind the couch. here is katie pushing maddie through.

...and now katie looking at me realizing that she shouldn't have done that. we managed to get maddie out unharmed.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Busy little bees

We have been so busy these last few weeks, but have had so much fun! The girls are growing so fast - Maddie and Katie are both standing up and Katie is standing on her own. They are both walking along the couch while holding on so we can only assume walking is the next step - ack! They are both getting in lots of teeth and are doing really well with the teething pains. We can't believe that they will be 10 months old next week!

No, we didn't have a boy - this is Ryder, the new baby boy born to our dear friends Jocelyn and Derek - he was born August 15th - the 4 of us went to visit him in the hospital so Maddie and Katie could meet their new little friend. He is so adorable!
Katie loves her music stand and microphone - we finally found a hair clip that doesn't fall out - yay!

Here is Maddie with her hair bow

Daddy and Katie enjoying the swimming pool at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Crawling down the hallway to their room (daddy, katie, lucy and maddie)

Katie took a pit stop in the bathroom - peek a boo!

Maddie, Katie and Lucy inspecting their shoes

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Maddie waves!

Maddie learned how to wave hi and bye! Here is is with Grandma Joyce - she is waving bye bye to Aunty Sandy.

Go Spartans!

We had a fun weekend --- a bunch of my former students came over for a fun Sunday afternoon.
Maddie and Katie also got their first Spartan outfit from Maryknoll - yay! They are prepared for their future education there!

The girls in the kiddie pool - Thanks to Miya for Katie's swimsuit!

The girls - Amy Tong, Maile (top row)
Dani with Maddie, Shayne with Leia, Lauren and Lucy, Lyndsee with Katie

Maddie in her Spartan's outfit! Thanks Aunty Kim!

Katie - the future Spartan

They are SO ready for Maryknoll! Too bad they start at 4 years old...

Monday, August 2, 2010

August is here!

Sassy girls showing off their standing skills - now they can both pull themselves up

Katie LOVES to sing =)


My friend Tammy brought Paige and Chace over last week for a playdate - the kids had a lot of fun!

Maddie, Paige, Katie, Chace

Katie and Chace


We tried to get a photo of the 3 babies - they were not good at sitting still

Chace, Maddie, Katie --- the best one we could get

Happy 9 Months!

Maddie and Katie made 9 months on July 28th - sorry the photo is delayed, but our computer wasn't working.