Tuesday, July 31, 2012

lots of catching up to do

We have had a busy July and we are going into an even busier August. A summary of the month of July:

  • Maddie and Katie are still loving school
  • We went to Miya's 3rd birthday party
  • Emily turned 2 months old
  • Emily got her first passport
  • Maile, Emily and Grandma Sandy went to Calgary
  • Aunty Amy came home
  • We are preparing for the end of summer school and the beginning of a new school in August
  • Toby went back to work
  • Maile goes back to work in August

The girls love their friends - here is a group of them after school:
Maddie, Nalu, Lucas, Katie, ViVi

Katie's BFF, ViVi

The girls sharing their snacks with their friends in the clubhouse at school

We ran into Katie's boyfriend Wyatt at the Apple store. He showed her how to play a new game on the iPad in the children's area

We babysat Thomas and Miya one night so their mommy and daddy could go to a nice dinner. We had 5 kids under 3 and had a lot of fun!

Maddie and Katie still love being little mommies to Emily

 Emily has been smiling a lot

Playtime at Miya's house. Isn't Thomas the cutest?

Thomas and Evan - they are less than 2 weeks apart - it was hard getting them in the same photo. Aren't they both so handsome?

Slide time - poor Taiga had all the little girls climbing on him all night - what a sport!

Girl time - Sara, Maddie, Aeryn, Katie

2 months old!

Dani and Maile at the 2 month check up. Dani is holding Emily and Maile is holding Aila.

Miya's 3rd birthday - Snow White theme!

Fireworks on Miya's birthday! What a treat!

We had to take about 35 photos to get one decent one for Emily's passport. This is the one that worked.

On the plane! We caught a red eye to San Francisco and Emily was an angel - she was such a great travel buddy!

We made it to Calgary! A little sleepy, but we did it!

Isn't this the coolest? There is stroller and family parking EVERYWHERE. How wonderful!

Aunt Gwen with Emily

Uncle Walt with Emily

Dinner with Aunt Gwen, Uncle Walt, Jacob and Sue

Emily learned to suck her thumb. Uh Oh.

At our last visit to see Uncle Gerry in the hospital, Little Gerry made me cupcakes for my birthday - how nice! Uncle Gerry enjoyed one too.

At the airport

We had a 12 hour layover in Seattle on the way home so we met up with Aunty Jan at Bellevue Square

Aunty Heidi drove us around all day. 

Back at home in Hawaii, Emily got to meet Aunty Amy

Maile's birthday


Emily showing her Canadian pride

Emily and Aila --- too cute!

Bubble bath with Miya