Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More BFF time

We had one last playdate before Miya and Thomas go back to Hong Kong this week. The girls were sooooooo happy to see them and spend some quality time with their friends. We had another BBQ at their condo where the kids enjoyed the playground and the parents were exhausted =)

Maddie on the slide

Katie's turn

Miya & Maddie acting like frogs


We didn't pose them - they totally did this on their own - too cute!

Gotta love these 3

Hi Maddie!

Group photo - Katie, Miya, Maddie, Thomas and Sara - see you in 2 months!

Happy Easter!

What a happy Easter we had this year. We had fun visitors in town, lots of dinners, 2 church services, an Easter egg hunt, colored Easter eggs and had lots of Easter goodies.

Maddie & Katie in their Easter dresses

Goodies galore!

Katie the flower

And the bunny

Maddie the bunny

and the flower

Easter church service #2 - Maddie with Aunty Cynna

Easter dinner - Maddie and cousin Mason

Time for Mason to go back to California - the girls were holding his hand trying to keep him here longer

Last hugs for Mason!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Together Again!

Forgot to post this from Tuesday - Maddie and Katie were able to reunite with Miya! They all cried when it was time for Miya to go home. It was so great to see them play together - it's been 3 months since Miya was home and they interacted like no time has passed. The relationship these girls have reminds me of me and Mari's friendship - we've been friends since were were 4 and living in different countries since we were 6, but we have stayed in contact for many years. 

Maddie, Miya, Katie, Thomas


Hearing their giggles and chatter warmed my heart.

Playground and Miya Time

We had a fun Thursday night at Miya's house today - we spent a few hours running, climbing and sliding at the playground, had a delicious dinner and special cupcakes from Uncle Al -yum! We also discovered that girls like to go to the bathroom in groups starting at 2 years old. Once one of them decided to go, the other 2 followed and had to go - it was cute. We love having Miya in town and look forward to a full summer with her.

Maddie on the slide




Miya biking the 2 girls around - they soon got too heavy and this stopped.

Daddy giving the girls "champagne" that Aunty Mari bought (aka sparkling cider)


2 three monkeys

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Seahunt at the Waikiki Aquarium

We had a fun day at the Waikiki Aquarium yesterday - the girls participated in their Seahunt for the first time. We did crafts, did the Seahunt, met the Easter Bunny and other fun characters and looked at all the fish.

Craft time - making our Seahunt bags

Katie enjoyed stamping

Katie and Maddie at the hunt


Katie showing us her finds

Maddie won a fishing puzzle

We did the fishing game - here is Katie and Toby

Maddie wanted to keep the fishing pole

Our family with the Octopus

The girls and the creepy Easter Bunny

Maddie wouldn't leave

Maddie made an octopus finger puppet

Katie touching the crab

Maddie touching the water

We ended our evening with a birthday party for the 90+ people in the family. Grandma Lum turned 94, Tai Tai turned 97 and Gung Gung turned 91 - WOW!