Friday, August 31, 2012

Still loving school

The girls are still loving their new preschool. There is a bit of resistance when I drop them off in the morning but a LOT of resistance when I pick them up - they do not want to come home.

Their after school program - the teacher was one of my former students. Small World!

Playing in before school care

Katie and her BFF, Jariya

Maddie on the monkey bars

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Maddie the Non-Napper

What happens during "nap" time

Maddie removes all the decals from Katie's wall and sticks them on her own wall

Maddie then takes out every single stuffed animal from the toy chest and from Katie's bed and piles them on her bed. 

First Ballet Class

We tried ballet today! We did 2 classes - one called pre-ballet for kids ages 3 -5 and one called baby ballet for kids ages 18 months - 3. It was fun!

Watching the big girls in the advanced class

Deciding if they should try it out

With the teacher

Sitting tall

In the Pre-Ballet class

Maddie thought this was another type of dance class


Spins for Katie



Even Aunty Leina and JaJa participated


Dress up time!

So pretty

Dancing with the teacher



Aren't these costumes so adorable?

Getting a stamp from the teacher at the end of class

First Day of School

Maddie & Katie have started a new school this year and have entered into the 3 year old program. We have just started the phasing in process and have completed day one (730 am - 1130 am) with half of their class. They seem to love it so far - Maddie threw a fit when it was time to leave. She told the teacher (while crying) that she wanted to stay there and nap there. She also insisted on taking everything home that was in her cubby (you are supposed to leave the things in your cubby there). We go back on Monday from 730am - 230 pm, this time with lunch and a nap. Wednesday we start full time with the whole class (21 kids). 

Leaving the house

Showing off Maddie's pink princess backpack

Katie's "purple princess" aka, Rapunzel, backpack

Their classroom is in a temporary location (parish hall) and will be moving to a brand new building by January.



Their teacher showing them the routine when you arrive: 

step 1 - take off your shoes

step 2 - wash your hands

step 3 - put your bag on the shelf

They immediately went for the painting station

Katie's masterpiece

Maddie hard at work

Katie in the kitchen

and cleaning the babies with the dish brush

Maddie in the puppet theater

a new friend

more friends

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Old friends, new friends

We got to meet our new baby cousin, Carly. She is soooooo adorable!

Carly and Emily are 3 months apart

Playdate at our house with our high school friends and their babies. Here is Evan and Katie

Eimi and Maddie

Brendan playing in the storage box

Brendan, Katie and Maddie (Lucy too)

Top Row - Eimi, Maddie, Katie, Emily, Kailee
Bottom Row - Drew, Brendan

We couldn't find Maddie and then found her hiding in her room.