Tuesday, September 28, 2010

what happens at grandma and grandpa's house...

Happy 11 month birthday to Maddie and Katie! We cannot believe that they will turn 1 next month - oh my! Time surely does fly. It has been absolutely amazing to watch these two girls grow - we can't wait to celebrate their first birthday!

Here are 2 photos from grandma and grandpa's camera - this is how they "babysit" =)

Maddie - must have been on time out?

Katie - stuck in the toy box

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Fun

We had a very busy and super fun weekend! Here are some photos to enjoy.

Maddie, Ryce, Katie
Maddie sitting in the kiddie chair waiting for Wee Play to start

Katie ready for Wee Play

Daddy and Maddie playing in the pit of balls during free play time

Katie loves her musical instrument at Wee Play

Thursday, September 23, 2010

We got a pool!

Ok, not a real swimming pool, but we finally inflated our family size pool and the four of us hung out in the backyard pool - it was a nice way to spend a Thursday afternoon.

Maddie, Mommy and Katie
Maddie showing off her standing in water ability

Katie's awesome hairstyle

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Maddie the Mover

While Katie was busy walking 11 steps (which we couldn't catch on camera) at Aunty Cynna's house, Maddie decided to climb the stairs - all night long. She made Aunty Christie help her just in case she slipped (she didn't).

Maddie loves her toys so much that she climbed in the box and sat in it.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wee Play and Learn

Today we went to Wee Play and Learn for the toddler class. The toddler class is for kids 10 months - 18 months old so we were the youngest ones there. We went with my high school classmate Leina and her 11 month old, Kailee. We had so much fun! With all the singing, dancing, clapping, playing musical instruments, climbing, crawling, and playing we were just as tired as the kids. They both napped the second we got into the car. We are going to sign up for their classes as it was a great way for them to socialize with other babies.

Katie, Kailee, and Maddie waiting patiently for class to start. The chairs were just their size!

Maddie loved playing with the balls during free play time.

Katie was fascinated with this mirror!

Katie and Maddie both loved this Rody animal/bouncing thing. We bought two of them as soon as we came home from amazon. Here is the link to the actual ones we got.

Bubble time! The kids LOVED playing with the bubbles - how fun!

Lucy and Care Bears

Katie wore this shirt because our dog's name is Lucy too!

Maddie loves Care Bears!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Water fun

September has proven to be a very busy month so far. The past week has been no different. Our high school friend was in town so we had a couple of dinners out, which was really fun. We did a good amount of house cleaning and some shopping as well. This afternoon, Maddie and Katie's first little cousin was born - Lia Wong. My cousin David and his wife, Eileen, welcomed Lia into the world at 12:30 this afternoon. We were able to see her today and we are so excited for future play dates! We had some pool time yesterday and the girls got into their first fight today - over an empty water bottle. They both wanted it and fought over it so we gave them another and that totally didn't work. One of them always had to have them both and then hit the other girl with one of the water bottles...there was a lot of screaming and some tears. I guess we need to get used to it, huh?

Here is Toby hard at work decorating cookies - he's the next Martha Stewart!

Maddie was SO close to the tv - Barney or Elmo must have been on

Katie and I went to Ala Moana and she wanted to look at the fish - it was really sunny so pardon her strange expression =)

Katie has a ball in the pool - thanks Miya for the swimsuit!

Maddie also enjoyed the water - and another swimsuit from Miya - thank you!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

September has arrived and it's PARTY time!

We can't believe that it is September already - the girls are turning one next month! ACK! Here are our first September photos:

Maddie and Katie trying to feed themselves - it ended up in their hair and all over the floor

Daddy and Katie celebrating Chace's first birthday party

Katie had so much fun celebrating that she slept through the rest of the party
Maddie enjoyed her little snack

Maddie, Mommy and Katie all wore matching dresses