Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fun with Friends

It's been a very busy few weeks - lots going on and lots of fun new adventures. Emily has learned to roll over both front-to-back and back-to-front. The first few times she did it, she startled herself and cried. Maddie and Katie are still enjoying school. We have their school picnic coming up with photos to follow.

Chace's birthday party.
Paige, Katie, Maddie, Chace

Singing "Happy Birthday" Katie sang VERY loudly.

Enjoying her cupcake. Maddie did NOT want it cut up.

Grandma Sandy and Emily

Chace and Maddie

Daddy and Katie in matching party hats.

Cousin Carly and Emily - 3 months and 2 days apart.

The girls have color days where the whole class dresses up in a color. This was red day. Mommy participated too!

Red day.

Yellow day!

Music class - they learned "God Bless the USA"

Their class.

Here is their version of "God Bless the USA" Katie is singing in the background.