Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wee Play and Learn

Today we went to Wee Play and Learn for the toddler class. The toddler class is for kids 10 months - 18 months old so we were the youngest ones there. We went with my high school classmate Leina and her 11 month old, Kailee. We had so much fun! With all the singing, dancing, clapping, playing musical instruments, climbing, crawling, and playing we were just as tired as the kids. They both napped the second we got into the car. We are going to sign up for their classes as it was a great way for them to socialize with other babies.

Katie, Kailee, and Maddie waiting patiently for class to start. The chairs were just their size!

Maddie loved playing with the balls during free play time.

Katie was fascinated with this mirror!

Katie and Maddie both loved this Rody animal/bouncing thing. We bought two of them as soon as we came home from amazon. Here is the link to the actual ones we got.

Bubble time! The kids LOVED playing with the bubbles - how fun!

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