Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy Wednesday!

What a great day for Maddie and Katie today! Toby did a dry run and dropped them at Grandma and Grandpa Pickard's house today to test out the traffic since they start their full time babysitting next week - Toby realized that he needs to leave A LOT earlier =). While they were there Grandma and Grandpa strolled them around the complex in their new red strollers. They had so much fun! I picked up the girls from their house and met Mari and Miya for lunch and shopping at Ala Moana - we had a blast! All 3 girls did great and we are already turning them into little shoppers =) Miya is sooooo cute and so grown up with her first tooth popping out. Although Maddie and Katie slept most of the day, it was fun to see them interact briefly at the Mai Tai bar, where we met Mari's dad, Uncle Tom, for a happy hour drink.

Katie and Maddie at Grandma and Grandpa's house

Miss Miya after eating her first ever bite of yogurt - she liked it!

Mari (with Katie) and I (with Miya and Maddie) at the Mai Tai bar

Katie grabbing her toy in her crib

Maddie grabbing her toys in the crib

1 comment:

Mari said...

Great photos, Auntie Maile!! What a fun day, can't wait to do it again!! xoxo