Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy - and Happy Father's Day!

What a busy week! I have lots of catching up to do on the blog (thanks for the reminder Uncle Gerry!) so here goes a long one!

We celebrated Toby's first Father's Day on Sunday with lunch at Mariposa, swimming, and dinner at Aunty Cynna's house...Maddie and Katie bought Toby a brand new (and very large) grill that barely fits on our lanai.

I started my new job at Maryknoll School this week - I am in charge of the annual giving program and the events - it is great so far and I am so happy with the change.

Toby is still coaching baseball and spending a lot of time with the girls in the day - he is pooped!

Miya is home for the summer so we went shopping with her on Saturday --- can't wait for more playdates and for her first birthday next month!

Lunch at Mariposa - they both wore "I love daddy" outfits



Maddie and Katie

Good morning!

Katie in her watermelon swimsuit

Maddie the strawberry

Maddie in her new floatee

Katie's turn! (photo credit: Grandma Sandy)

Katie holding Aunty Donna's domo

Baby Jail

Katie and her big girl cup

Maddie and her teething biscuit

Maddie getting a piggyback ride

Katie hated peas

1 comment:

Mari said...

Love all the new photos!! Miya has the same pool floatie- except we bought ours at Safeway and it is not pretty pink, jealous!! Hope to see you girls soon! xo