Sunday, November 21, 2010

Catching up on the blog...again

It has been a while since we have updated the blog and we absolutely apologize to our faithful blog has been quite busy over here. We have discovered that Maddie is allergic to eggs (we let her eat one and she broke out in MAJOR hives that covered her body) and the poor baby had to endure her first allergy test. She is indeed officially allergic to eggs. Maddie and Katie both made their first ER visits---at different days and times. Katie fell and hit her head while playing chase with grandma and Maddie went in for a high fever. We have to say that we love the staff at Kapiolani Medical Center as they took great care of our little ones and all is fine with them. Instead of writing what could be an extremely long blog entry, I have uploaded lots of photos and will write captions underneath each of them. Due to being lame, the photos are totally out of order---sorry about that! Enjoy the photos and I promise to try to go back to the weekly update.

This photo comparison shocks me. The photos on the left (Maddie on the top, Katie on the bottom) were taken on the day of their birth. The photos on the right were taken exactly one year later. WOW!
This photo comparison is them with the Kahala Mall Santa in 2009 and them with the Ala Moana Center Santa in 2010

These are all the shots they got for their 1 year checkup --- 3 shots and TB test. At least they got cute bandaids =)

Here is Maddie helping Grandpa open his birthday gift. She was way more interested in the tissue paper.

Maddie, Shaun and Katie - Shaun was born 12 hours before Maddie and Katie and he came over yesterday to play and exchange presents.

Our family photo at the Ala Moana Santa's house

Katie and Maddie with Santa - Maddie only started to cry when the photoshoot was over....whew.

Katie loves to make this "o" is just too cute.

Mommy, Maddie with Bear Bear, and Toby's cousin Erin - Katie was already asleep when we took this.

Maddie enjoying some food item.

Maddie and Katie helping out both grandpas with blowing out their candles. Check out the expression on Katie's face! Maddie and Katie have both learned to stick up one finger when you ask them how old they are---I guess Maddie is saying that each grandpa is one?

Baby Expo in October - we entered them into the baby crawling contest - they just sat there. That's Uncle Brian and Aunty Heather at the end and mommy's head at the top (I am holding a water bottle to encourage didn't work)

Halloween at Kahala Mall - Maddie got tired so I held her wings over the Ergo carrier.

Another fun day at Wee Play with Kailee.

Maddie or Katie (can't tell) opening a birthday gift from Aunty Janet.

First tattoos at Kailee's birthday party (Maddie's leg is on the bottom, Katie's on top)

Katie learning to carry her own stuff in her new personalized backpack thanks to Aunty Toshiko and Uncle Tom - she has a matching water bottle too!

Playing in their ball pit thanks to Keoni, Aunty Lee and Uncle Jeff

Maddie loving her new personalized chair from Uncle Ryan, Aunty Debbie, Brendan, Aunty Colleen and Uncle Wes

Katie loves hers too!

Fast asleep and dressed as a cat for Halloween

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