Friday, January 7, 2011

It's About Time...

We have been so busy with the holidays, have had many guests in town visiting, and are still trying to rearrange our home for the girls. Lots going on and my apologies for this being so late. Maddie can now say "hi" and Katie can say "ba" which means ball. They both say "mum mum" and can wave and blow kisses. They are getting to be so much fun. Enjoy the photos and Happy New Year! Oh --- and big congrats to our dear friends Mari and Tim and little Miya on their newest addition, Thomas, born at almost 10 lbs and 21 inches long on Jan 6th in Hong Kong.

5 generations

Maddie and the orthopedic's office - the table is a fire truck and the drawers opened to reveal toys! how fun!

Katie sleeping through the new year's eve festivities

Maddie did the same...

Maddie loves her new tigger hat - thanks aunty cynna and uncle billy!

Katie all dressed up for Christmas eve!

Maddie in her prerrt Christmas dress

We enjoyed Alan Wong's for Christmas Eve dinner with my mom, Heather and Brian. Here is Katie enjoying Aunty Heather's short ribs - yum!

Katie and Maddie finally got to meet Brendan - Aunty Debbie's almost-6 month old boy. So cute!

Tai Gung and Katie on Christmas night

Maddie and Katie got to spend time with Dylan who is visiting from Seattle - he is 8 months old and has such beautiful hair!

Katie showing off her sassy halter dress

Maddie and Lucy

Katie and Lucy

Merry Christmas Eve!

Christmas morning
Maddie and Aunty Donna



Trying to get a photo with Dylan and the girls - it was hard! They all kept moving!

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