Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mini Getaway

For Toby's birthday a couple of weeks ago, he asked for a went to Vegas! Without the kids! Thank you so much to Wil who got us a buddy pass for the flight there, to our moms and Aunty Sandy for watching the girls and sleeping over and to Ohana Doggie Daycare for taking great care of the dogs. We had a wonderful time - lots of shopping, walking and eating. It was very cold and windy and we were not prepared for that. We can't wait for the next trip this summer with Maddie, Katie, Jamie and Erin--Seattle and Vancouver, here we come!

Lox and bagels at Carnegie Deli at the Mirage - JUST like in NYC!

Dinner with my HBA friend, Deanne, at Sushi Samba
Some of our fabulous food at Sushi Samba

Toby and I at the Palazzo

Eating frozen peanut butter and frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity --- JUST like NYC!


I got to meet up with Matt Lyons, my friend from Florida who I haven't seen since 6th grade!

We randomly ran into Jen O and Jenn N, my former students, at the Miracle Mile at Planet Hollywood

Katie loves her new tupperware hat

She even tried to drink water with it on

Katie and Maddie playing peek-a-boo with the curtains

Maddie doing a great job posing for her passport photo

Katie wasn't into it. We need to try again later.

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