Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Busy Weekend

We have had another busy weekend. I think we all need a little vacation. The girls are growing so fast and are expanding their vocabulary. Katie says "mama, dada, no, up, help, hi, hello (while pretending to be on the phone), yoyo (yogurt), nana (banana), mum mum (food), apple, mah mah (maddie), wa wa (water), baa (bath), birr (bird), wow wow (dog), go, door, elmo, oh ohs (cheerios), mo (more)" Maddie says, "no, up, uh oh, coco (cookie), elmo, mama, dada, apple, nana (banana), wow wow (dog), wa wa (water), hi, bye, yah, yoyo (yogurt), mum mum (food). I think that is about it.

We went to Montessori Community School's family fair on Saturday - they are right up the street from our house and my Aunty is the Head of School there. They had cute games and crafts for the little ones, a book fair and yummy food. The girls each made a pinwheel.

Both girls have been obsessed with "taking" on the phone. The LOVE to pretend they are on the phone and Maddie babbles away while Katie keeps saying "hello?" Occasionally, Maddie will respond to Katie and say "hi". So cute!

Maddie and Daddy working on the pinwheel

Katie asking for help to open the capped marker

Katie hard at work on her pinwheel

Maddie on the phone...probably trying to call Brendan, Evan or Miya

Maddie on the phone again....does anyone else see a problem in the future? ;)

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