Thursday, May 17, 2012

Welcome, Emily!

Emily Yoshie Yuk Ling Kawamura
Saturday, May 12, 2012
11:25 am
6 lbs 8 oz.
21 inches long
Honolulu, Hawaii

Welcomed with love by Toby, Maile, Madison & Katelyn

We chose Emily's name because it was something we both liked. Her middle names are from her grandmothers - Toby's maternal grandmother was named Yoshie. My maternal grandmother is names Choi Yuk - my grandmother helped us create a special name (Yuk Ling) for Emily that is part of her name. We chose to honor both of our grandmothers as they were and are such a special part of our lives. Yoshie means gentle, graceful, blessing and Yuk Ling means dainty jade. 

Last photo of our family of four - this is right before we left for the hospital

Our newest addition along with Dr. Kosasa (on the left) and Dr. Duffy (on the right)

Maddie meeting Emily for the first time (thanks to Wil for these photos)

Katie meeting Emily for the first time

A quiet moment between dad and daughter

The day we were released from the hospital - like father, like daughter

Going home!

Maddie and Emily

Katie and Emily

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