Sunday, March 3, 2013

A long catch up.......again

We have been soooo busy these last few months - all of us have had the horrible winter cold that keeps getting passed around and we are finally all healthy and back on track. Here are some photos from the last couple of months...

Swimming at the Sheraton with Uncle Chris

Beach time!

The pool was much warmer than the beach

Emily stepping in sand for the first time

NOT liking it.

She was so unhappy at the beach.

She even ate some sand.

Thrilled that bestie, Miya, cam back for a short visit.

Beach bum

LOVE having Miya over

Playdate and dinner at Kailee's House
Maddie, Kailee, Dylan, Katie

Em joined in too!

Playground time at Miya's

Emily turned 9 months in February!

The girls did auto line for the first time - that means I drive up to the school and the director and other staff open the door, take them out of the car seats and they walk to class (teachers are stationed along the way so no one gets lost =) ) by themselves. It was a big day!

 I pulled on the side and snuck these photos.

Shave ice to celebrate Daddy's birthday


and ice cream cake the next day!

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