Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lazy Weekend

Maddie and Katie woke up around 9am this morning after sleeping for 6.5 hours - YAY! We had to put them in their bumbos for more pictures. The instructions say that your child should sit in the bumbo when he/she can hold up his/her head on their own. See Katie's picture for why this safety measure is in place...I think she is still a bit too small.

Maddie in her chair with a cute gund bear rattle from Aunty Heather
Katie looking annoyed that I want to keep taking pictures of her. She is so slumped over...when Toby first put her in the bumbo, both of her legs fit in one leg slot---oops!


Mari said...

Oh my, I LOVE it! They are getting so grown up! Miya's thighs get stuck in the Bumbo...

Anonymous said...

Congrats to BIG sister Maddie.....and to Katie.....I think I can, I think I can, I think I can....grandma is cheering you on!!!