Saturday, October 2, 2010

First trip to the dentist!

Today, Maddie and Katie went to the pediodontist for the very first time. We saw Dr. Emily Bordner who was featured in Honolulu Magazine's Best Dentists for 2010. She was also recommended by our friends. They did great and don't have to report back for 6 more months.

Maddie playing with the toys in the waiting room

Katie waiting with Daddy in the fish exam room (each room is themed and each room has televisions on the ceilings to distract the kids)

When the kids are little, they lie on mommy or daddy for the exam - we help the dentist by holding the baby as well as trying to keep their hands away from their mouth - both Katie and Maddie wanted to help and tried to grab the tools. Oops! Perhaps a dental career in the future? Katie did so good with the exam that she even let Dr. Bordner brush her teeth and spray water into her mouth and suck it out with the suction tool - way to go, Katie! She clapped with Dr. Bordner when she was finished.

Maddie didn't really enjoy the exam, but did let Dr. Bordner check all of her teeth. No brushing for Maddie as she would not stand for it. She did love the little toothbrush that Dr. Bordner gave her (Winnie the Pooh) and decided to brush her teeth all by herself. Maddie also clapped when she was finished. Way to go, Maddie!

The happy family after the dentist - Maddie was STILL brushing her teeth.

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