Monday, October 18, 2010

weekend wow

what a fun weekend! oh my did it fly by........

Maddie, Chace and Katie playing with bubbles

Katie's first trip to the ER....poor baby fell on her head/face and then threw up. Our doctor told us to take her to Kapiolani so we did. Katie checked out fine...she even helped the doctor check her out with the stethoscope!

First tattoos at Kailee's 1st birthday party - Katie's leg is on top and Maddie's is below

Wee Play class today: Katie, Maddie, Kailee

Toby and I got to attend the grand opening party for the Waikiki EDITION hotel. The food was amazing (Iron Chef Morimoto was making sushi himself!!!), the hotel is gorgeous and I got to meet Jason George from Grey's Anatomy - he is so sweet! Christina Aguilera was there too as well as a few other celebs...Local celebs Alan Wong, Guy Hagi, Miss Hawaii, Danny Kalekini and more were there too.

1 comment:

Mari said...

Guy Hagi the weather man?? My mom loves him! :) How fun!!