Monday, April 18, 2011

A fun filled weekend

Yet another busy weekend has passed by for us. The girls are becoming very busy and our calendars are filling up with fun things to do. This past weekend we got rid of Katie's stomach flu, went to a 1st birthday party, hung out with friends, tried gymnastics, and took photos with the Easter Bunny.

Maddie & Katie playing with bubbles at the birthday party - birthday girl Mari is in the back left in white. She turned one!

Katie with frosting on her face. The rare occasion she got to eat sweets

ditto for Maddie

The girls checking out their goodies baskets at the party while Daddy looks on

Katie spent Sunday morning working on puzzles - she is quite good at them now

She did it! So happy!

Maddie was reading before gymnastics class

The tail end of the stomach flu - we gave Katie pedialyte popsicles - Maddie wanted one too. Poor Katie lost 1 lb in 2 days while sick. Luckily she is back to normal now.

Katie loving the bubbles

The Easter Bunny - they hated him. Check out their escapee moves...and yes, Cheetoh was part of the photo on Katie's insistence.

Uncle Brian prepping Maddie for gymnastics

Maddie not wanting to sit nicely for a picture with Evan

Posing for the camera - not sure where Katie learned how to do that.

Maddie all ready for gymnastics in her cute leotard.

1 comment:

Ryan and Debbie said...

Maddie is mad in that picture because she'd rather pose with her boyfriend Brendan!! We will see you soon Maddie!!