Saturday, February 13, 2010

Catching up...

I've been a little behind in the blog so here are some photos from the last week and a half - we've been busy! Maddie rolled over from her tummy to her back twice today - she was so fast I couldn't catch it on video or film, but I'm working on it.

Katie LOVED watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics last night - she was talking to the TV and kicking her legs up in the air - maybe she'll follow Aunty Amy and become an Olympic athlete!

Katie and Maddie in cute onesies - thank you Aunty Carolyn Sedler!

Maddie and Katie FINALLY fit their Halloween hats that they wore on the way home from the hospital three and a half months ago.

Maddie and Katie with Lucy's basketball - Thank you Uncle Ryan for the cute Nike hats!

Maddie and Katie in their favorite sleeping pose - the snuggle SO close to each other!

Maddie during tummy time - there goes her tongue!

Lucy thinks she's a baby too

Katie is now a pro thumb-sucker! She sucks her right thumb and Maddie sucks her left thumb

That's Maddie's left hand giving Katie a punch in the jaw - uh oh!

Maddie on the floor

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