Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy New Year - Chinese Style

Happy New Year! We had a great night with my family and celebrated the Maddie and Katie's first Chinese New Year.

Maddie in her red - also her Canadian outfit (thanks to Aunty Ainslie!)

Katie also loves her outfit from Aunty Ainslie

Katie and Maddie are rooting for Canada in the Olympics!

Aunty Cynna with Katie

Katie with Tai Po

Uncle Brian and Aunty Shelley with Maddie - they are getting married in July!

Daddy entertained Maddie and Katie with their own personal lion dance - thank you Aunty Cynna for the cute lions!

Maddie is a quick learner! She was trying to feed the lion her leesee!

Katie posing with her lion

Maddie and Katie say "doh jeh" to everyone for the leesee!

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