Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Dinner

We went to our Valentine's dinner at Assaggio Kahala - what an experience. The wine was great, my steak was overcooked, and Katie had a meltdown. The entire night. Minus the last 20 minutes. Toby and I had to take turns standing outside, rocking her, walking her in the stroller (even Uncle Brian took a turn - thank you!) and trying to figure out what was wrong. She finally fell asleep so the 4 of us could enjoy tiramisu and another bottle of wine together - whew. Once we got home, fed Maddie and let Katie hang out by herself, all was good. I really think Katie is very independent and likes to be alone (with her musical seahorse) while Maddie craves attention. It will be interesting to see how their personalities evolve as they get older.

Leaving Assaggio Kahala with Heather, Brian and the girls

Family Valentine's photo - Daddy with Katie and Mommy with Maddie

Our whole family (Leia, Toby, Katie, Lucy, Maile, Maddie) Yay for the self timer feature on the camera!

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