Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bring on the food

Today we went to the doctor for Maddie and Katie's 5 month check up. Maddie is 13 lbs. 5 oz and is in the 25th percentile. Katie is 12 lbs. 9 oz and is in the 5th percentile. They are about 1/2 and inch different in height with Maddie being taller. Katie seems to look the same size because their heads are the same size. Katie is smaller, but she is very strong---Dr. said that she will probably be sitting up by herself soon! We got the go ahead to start baby food tonight so we will start with a vegetable (probably squash or sweet potatoes) and try out a new one every 5 days or so. I bought the Beaba ( so I can make my own organic baby food. Mari will be coming over today to give me lessons since she uses it with Miya. We will post photos later on after the feeding!

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