Sunday, March 14, 2010

Picnic at Ala Moana Beach

Today we went on a picnic with some friends at Ala Moana beach. When we got there, we saw how sunny it was so we ran over to Sears and purchased this cabana style tent (thanks to Pam and Matt for the idea!) A bit of a pain to set up (Toby broke one of the pieces) it did a great job. It shielded us from the sun and the wind and gave the girls a nice place to play and sleep. We are excited to picnic again!

Our tent - Maddie in the back and Katie in the front

Daddy and Katie - Katie was screaming when we got there and was only happy when we took off her shirt.

Katie asleep after a long afternoon

Uncle Darin the baby whisperer - he got both girls to fall asleep - thank you!!!

Maddie and her pout when we had to leave

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