Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy 4 Months!

Maddie and Katie turned 4 months on Sunday - WOW! Time is flying. We spent Saturday watching the news all day since there was a tsunami warning. Sunday we were supposed to picnic at the park with our friends Pam, Matt and their son, Shaun, but it was raining so we had a picnic at our house instead. Shaun was born 13 hours before Maddie and Katie so we were all in the hospital together and stayed in rooms down the hall from each other. The girls go for their 4 month check up on Wednesday - we are anxious to see how much they weigh and to see if they can start on rice cereal. Stay tuned!

Fast asleep after a long day

Reading at 4 months? WOW! Katie actually put the book in her mouth more than she read it.

Maddie loved to read and suck on the book too!

Maddie all ready for the picnic in her sun hat - too bad there was rain.

Katie was excited to wear her hat too - thanks to Grandma Joyce and Aunty Sandy for the cute hats!

Maddie trying to pull Shaun's onesie off - oh my! He is soooo cute!

Katie liked Shaun too - we hope to picnic again soon!

Happy 4 months little angels! Still wearing their newborn t-shirts from Uncle Stevie and Aunty Lily

1 comment:

Mari said...

4 months already!!!??? Happy Birthday, girls! Can't wait to see how much you have grown soon! xoxo